Data don't lie

therealbrandonwilson  •  5 May 2024   •    

This afternoon, I am meeting with my business partner and a potential client. This client is facing some major health challenges, including MS. Our goal is to introduce her to the next generation of PEMF technology, the Centropix Kloud. The Kloud is a full-body mat upon which you lie for fifteen minutes. During this time, the coils produce a low-power, complex frequency that is designed to activate most of the cells in the body. Think of it like your wireless phone charger except for the human body.

I now have empirical data to demonstrate the effectiveness of the Kloud. Yesterday, I performed a NeuralChek scan on myself first thing in the morning. I then did one 15-minute session on the Kloud and performed another scan. Here are my results:

Pre/Post session:

Stress index (10-100): 200 --> 176

Autonomic nervous system balance index (35-145): 383 --> 339

Neurohumoral regulation (50-100%): 18 --> 25

Energy balance (1.0-2.5): .65 --> .72

Psychoemotional state index (50-100%): 21 --> 28

Biological age: 53y --> 51y

Biofield analysis: 26% --> 33%

The good news is that the Kloud session improved all of my markers. The bad news is that I'm still far below the recommended ranges for nervous system and brain function. I still have a lot of work to do.


What might be keeping your numbers below the recommended/healthy range? Is it more to do with incorporating new practices into your life or stopping/changing things you’re already doing?

haideralmosawi  •  6 May 2024, 8:44 am

I would say the biggest contributing factor is stress management. I should meditate more than I am.

therealbrandonwilson  •  6 May 2024, 1:44 pm

@therealbrandonwilson Have you tried adaptogens? Could there be other practices that can help you reduce your stress? I think meditation and breathwork are great, but I usually supplement with supplements. 😄

haideralmosawi  •  7 May 2024, 8:31 pm

I’d send you a picture of my supplement cabinet, but I wouldn’t want you to get jealous. 🤪

therealbrandonwilson  •  8 May 2024, 12:35 pm

Haha! I’m sure I’ll be jealous of your gadgets and gizmos, too!

haideralmosawi  •  8 May 2024, 1:06 pm

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