I should be writing my newsletter

therealbrandonwilson  •  7 May 2024   •    

I have identified my habit of daily writing as an obstacle to writing more of my newsletter during the week. That probably sounds nonsensical but hear me out.

My standard procedure is to write my newsletter on Sunday morning for release on Monday morning. This schedule has served me well for over three years. It becomes more challenging when I am traveling or have weekend events. I'd like to have more newsletters "in the can," or at least in draft form to give myself some cushion when I need it. This means that I would want to write some newsletters during the week. 

The problem is that I'm here writing instead of on Substack writing. I have to keep the streak and all that. I suppose I could write in Substack and copy 200 words from it for my daily log here, but this would be a radically different approach. My writing here is more like a diary, and on occasion, some of my writings here do show up in the newsletter; it's not the usual rule. I guess I view the two venues as separate and rarely the twain shall meet.

For now, I'll continue to make things work until I'm forced into an alternative method.


I was working on this same issue this morning, trying to build a buffer. For me, I focused on a new process for planning upcoming posts—to do just enough work where I’m avoiding that mental resistance of “I don’t know what I want to write about.”

Winkletter  •  7 May 2024, 2:31 pm

Hmm why not write parts of the newsletter here in Lifelog as a sort of first draft sandbox? I do that often to post on Twitter for example. I find writing here first without any of the pressure to get everything right to be super helpful in clarifying my thoughts.

jasonleow  •  8 May 2024, 2:50 am

This may sound a little weird, but I am not in newsletter-writing mode when I’m here. I have occasionally taken bits and pieces of writing here and used them in my newsletter, but I wasn’t expressly writing for my newsletter.

therealbrandonwilson  •  8 May 2024, 12:38 pm

@therealbrandonwilson Interesting how we associate certain spaces/places in certain buckets!

jasonleow  •  9 May 2024, 2:05 am

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