Day 14 of #100daysofmarketing

jasonleow  •  14 Sept 2021   •    

Interim progress update since starting on #100daysofmarketing two weeks ago.

Previously, I wrote about my writing funnel version 2.0 where I’ll focus on these primary channels:

• LifeBlog for atomic writing, writing-to-think, works-in-progress.
• Twitter for short form distribution via value-packed threads, for discussion, engagement and referral loops back to Lifelog or my personal Twitter account.
• Canonical cross-posting to Medium for writers, for long form distribution. Any monies from the Partner Program will be a bonus.
• Quora for further long form distribution to frequently asked questions about writing, people who might already be warm to the idea of Lifelog.
• LinkedIn for distributing to professionals on why writing benefits their career.

My progress so far:

LifeBlog - repurposed old content in new ways from my archives, ended up with 17 new blog posts so far
Twitter marketing - been trying out this growth hack (50-80 comments, 5 RTs, 5 quote tweets, 5-7 original tweets) where they recommend commenting at least 10x more than original tweets, but super hard to hit that many comments. Best day on Sunday was 29 comments, 3 RTs, 3 quote tweets, 3 original tweets. Most days I only hit 10-20 comments!
• Not posted the newer blog posts to Twitter, should do that
• Cross posting to Medium - 10 posts
• Successfully enrolled in Medium’s Partner Program! Just switched on the paid content setting for my 10 Medium posts
• Cross posting content as answers on Quora - 6 answers
• Cross posting to Lifelog’s Facebook page - just realised I can, so posted 2 posts so far
LinkedIn - not figured out how to align it to my personal LinkedIn account, or if I should create a company brand for Lifelog
• New ideas -, Hashnode for my #decodingcoding posts, and repurpose writing/goals-related content for devs

Some reflections:

Damn it’s haaard work

I’m spending 4h, sometimes more, just writing, writing, and writing every day. That’s on top of my main job. And I’m not always writing original content at that. Much of the work is just about tweaking what I already have. The real haaard work keeping up with commenting and engaging on social media. How do creators even keep up at this for years?

Automated content distribution needed

Wouldn’t it be great if I can create and distribute all my content for different platforms in ONE place? Lifelog, Twitter, Medium, Quora, LinkedIn, Facebook. Add AI to that that can do smart summaries or editing to fit the requirements for each platform. I’m doing 90% manually now, so I definitely need to add in some automation there. What’s the Buffer for writing platforms?

Writing fluency made it easier

All the months and years of daily writing that led to this, now made this so much easier. Writing really is more like fluency in a foreign language. Just like how the more you speak a foreign language, the more fluent and easily the words roll out of your tongue, likewise for writing – the more you write, the easier the words manifest out of your fingers typing.


Lots going on! I’m interested in how the Medium partner program works out.

therealbrandonwilson  •  14 Sept 2021, 1:02 pm

Hah yeah, too much going on perhaps. I’m feeling the burn of having to write this much daily now. Time to set up better systems and workflows…

Also curious if the Partner Program will have any yield. I doubt it’ll be anything substantial though… anything is a bonus!

jasonleow  •  15 Sept 2021, 2:18 am

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