Distribution channels

Winkletter  •  8 Dec 2022   •    

On Medium I had a quick spike in views and reads. Nothing spectacular, but half my reads for the past 30 days fell on December 4th through 7th. It took me a while to realize this was coming from a comment I left on a Cory Doctorow article.

While I don’t earn anything on those reads, it’s a reminder that creating content is only a first step. The Real Reason Nobody Is Subscribing to Your Newsletter is a lack of distribution.

When I leave a comment on a popular writer’s post shortly after it goes live, that comment gets distributed to a lot of people.

When I post an article on Medium but don’t even bother to send out a toot on Mastodon, few people will ever see it.

It helps to think of my articles in physical terms. If I have product sitting in a backroom, no one is going to buy it because they’ll never see it. I need to stock my product on shelves. And I need to tell people where to find those shelves.

And this insight is recursive. If I toot, or tweet, or post, or whatever, that post needs distribution as well. So I need to decide on some distribution channels and come up with a plan to improve views on those channels.


Some marketplaces do distribution for writers pretty well. I know a Amazon non-fic author who doesn’t do much marketing for his coding books, but because of how he researched topics for ‘Amazon SEO’ before writing/publishing, his books get found nonetheless. He gets a few K of passive income every month. Super impressed by that.

jasonleow  •  9 Dec 2022, 2:10 am

@jasonleow It’s easier to visualize what distribution means with physical products. Online it gets complicated, because it’s not just a shelf in a store. It’s keywords and also-boughts, and doing that kind of SEO research is just as important as what goes inside the book.

Winkletter  •  9 Dec 2022, 2:00 pm

Yeah and usually the business of thinking about distribution is left to the publisher. The book author just writes. Not easy to figure out all that abstract intangibles!

jasonleow  •  10 Dec 2022, 6:50 am

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