I'm interested in LOTS of things, but I don't make time for them. I busy myself with work and end up feeling regret for not spending time on the things I'm interested in and could have gotten really good at had I made the time for them a long time ago.
But I can always make the time and the best time to chase my curiosity is now!
I'd love to learn about different countries/cultures, learn to cook, learn UI design, learn to code, and dive deep into some topics such as philosophy, science, etc.
Set on: 20 Feb 2021
Posts: 3
Connect with amazing people
I really enjoy spending time with others, whether we're exchanging jokes, discussing ideas, or supporting each other. I feel like I need to do more of it and cultivate stronger relationships in my life.
This includes family, friends, and strangers (i.e. friends I haven't yet met). It could be me seeking out mentors or mentees seeking me out. I want to connect with amazing people and help people become amazing.
Set on: 20 Feb 2021
Posts: 1
I think I'm good at writing and I have ideas that will improve people's lives. But sometimes I overcomplicate things, doubt my abilities, or lack the clarity on what it takes to spread good ideas.
I want to be constantly sharing good ideas that improve people's lives, whether related to life balance, psychology, religion, etc. I have a lot I want to share and I want to be constantly sharing what I know people will find useful.
Set on: 20 Feb 2021
Posts: 41
Create profitable courses
I want to create and promote online courses that are super valuable to my audience, are related to topics I'm interested in and care about, and that will help me make money to be able to experience time freedom.
My flagship course will be on leading a balanced life and I also want to make smaller courses/more specialized courses that fall within the umbrella of the life areas life balance covers (spiritual, intellectual, psychological, social, professional, recreational, physical).
Set on: 20 Feb 2021
Posts: 8