Unlearn my way back to the wide-eyed, unfettered curiosity of childhood, while aided by the experience and wisdom from age.
"Success in anything is just a byproduct of learning, and learning is a byproduct of curiosity. Ultimately, if you are curious about something, you will be successful at it, and the more curious you are about it, the more successful you will be at it." - @naval
Set on: 24 Feb 2021
Posts: 81
2019 till present bucket list - learning how to code. HMTL, CSS, JS, jQuery, Bootstrap, PHP, SQLite, MySQL, Ruby on Rails, JAMstack, Gatsby, Vue, Nuxt, PostgreSQL, Strapi.js, VPS, Docker, Git, Tailwind, Bulma
Set on: 6 Jan 2021
Posts: 269
A meta goal of setting monthly goals and experiments. Can be for learning, work, productivity, health, sleep, diet, family, relationships. Anything!
Set on: 1 Jan 2021
Posts: 661