
andrewtsao  •  16 May 2022   •    

Today was one of those days where I didn’t wake up feeling 100% so I knew that I wanted to use the time I have to focus on tasks that are not as mentally taxing. After roaming around on my usual favorite sites and places to complete my habits, I decided to take on an annoying task that I’ve been put on hold for a long time: spring cleaning of my chrome tabs.

Ever since I started using Obsidian, spending time decluttering in my own home, then trying to replicate those same intentions in my digital systems, I have started to understand how digital clutter can affect our mental beings. Even something as simple as bookmarks can affect us in ways you can’t imagine. As I spend time going through all these sites I used to find value and importance in, I’m reminded of how much information was saved in the “later” box.

I still don’t have a perfect system just yet, but it feels really good to have more control over my digital self.



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