Freelance Project

phaidenbauer  •  21 Mar 2024   •    

We are already a quarter into the new year and things didn’t go as planned as expected. Parts of my February plan didn’t play out, and I haven’t been creating as much content as I would like to.

Sure, I could blame it on missing time and “so much other stuff to do”, but if we are honest, most of the time, it is bad time management or, in my case, lack of day to day motivation.

My freelance business has been running along since 2014. I basically make just enough to not pay taxes and be not bothered by the tax ministry. I need about €100 per month to keep all costs covered. That €100 most of the time comes from exactly one customer where I’m doing Windows Updates every month.

So if that customer breaks away because of retirement (he’s above 50, but I don’t remember exactly, so the timeframe is 5 to 10 years), I’ll be doing a net negative. I had net negative years before, and that means the tax ministry is not amused. If you’re having only years with negative income, they shut you down too. (“Why would you run a business without income?”)

So I think it is time to set an overall goal for this year: make €100 per month in my freelance business regardless of the one client.

I am convinced that’s a reasonable goal to achieve. 20 users at €5/month (or a similar value for different kinds of monthly payments).

I have no idea about marketing or SEO, heck I even hate CSS, but there will be ways to tackle that topics too.

Now I just need to find the motivation and keep it going.


Time to fish or cut bait, as the saying goes. It sounds like you want to keep the business going, so I’m sure you’ll find a way to get more customers.

therealbrandonwilson  •  22 Mar 2024, 2:18 am

Well, I want to keep it because I can issue invoices with it, and so I’m kind of “secure” (aka I pay necessary taxes) if somebody wants their PC done or some smaller coding project. I just never came around more than the little bit of hosting I’m doing nowadays.

phaidenbauer  •  22 Mar 2024, 7:23 am

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