phaidenbauer • 1 Jul 2024 •
I can’t quite grasp that half of the year is already over. Wasn’t it just Christmas? Well, anyway, I wasn’t writing on here the last couple of days because I wasn’t in a writing mood. I’m not sure what’s going on with my mind currently, but something doesn’t feel right.
But for now there isn’t much I can do. A whole load of work is still ahead of me, and I’m thankful I added two weeks of PTO at the end of July. Although I tend to plan out my days fully, something unexpected seems to pop up every day currently. And those spontaneous “events” really kill my power levels and motivation. If that keeps on going for longer, I’ll have to take action, though I’m not sure what that could be. Let’s postpone it for the future-Philipp. He will figure something out, as he always does.
Yes. I guess that’s the curse of getting older: time moves faster.
And I swear time moves 2-3x faster after having a kid
The year had just flew by didn’t it! 😫 Too fast