New Year Motivation

phaidenbauer • 2 Jan 2025 •
I’m not sure what it is, but I managed to do some clean-up in the Apartment yesterday and today. I would call it new year’s motivation, but to be honest, it probably is because I’m still on vacation and every day feels like Sunday.
Most of the time, I’m most productive when it comes to cleaning on Sundays. Be it laundry or folding cardboard to get them to recycling.
Besides that, Christoph and I had our Wednesday smoke today because he was still hungover yesterday. Wednesday and Sunday will be the two days when we keep up the cigar smoking tradition, and I’m always looking forward to it.
First of all: Welcome back! I might be a few days late, but I wasn’t doing any reading around here for a couple of weeks (I think) 🥲
There’s definitely a positive vibe around a new year for me, but lack of expectations from other people is also a big part of me having the headspace to do things I would normally not do. Which is probably why weekends feel like a good time to get random tasks done.
@jasonleow it’s not nearly as fancy (yet). Currently, we are just freezing on the balcony :)
@haideralmosawi Thank you!

I like this cigar tradition, even though I don’t smoke now. Is it like, in a gentlemen’s club with dark brown leather chairs, with whiskey neat and cigars? Have this image in my head haha