Shocking discovery

Winkletter  •  26 Jan 2023   •    

I’ve been having back pain for about week from an old injury. About fifteen years ago I took a step backwards, hit a pallet loaded with boxes, and sat down abruptly. In that one moment I did something to my back that has persisted to this day.

It wasn’t a terrible injury. I didn’t even see a doctor about it, but every now and again I do something that reactivates the pain.

It took me about a week to remember that I have a panacea. After digging through some storage bins I found my TENS unit.

On the surface it seems a bit woo-woo. Stick electrodes to the affected area and shoot electricity through the tissues. The sensation is a bit tingly as the muscles react, but after a 30-minute session the pain just fades away.

I don’t know if it’s relaxing the muscles, or releasing endorphins, but I don’t think the reflief I feel is a placebo effect. The first time I use it I usually have to follow up a few hours later. Each time I use it the pain slips away for longer periods until one day I just don’t feel it anymore.

Then the TENS unit rides off into the sunset, to be forgotten until I need it again.


Our bodies are fundamentally electrical in nature. On the scale where TENS is woo-woo, quantum tech must be absolutely bonkers. I noticed my acupuncturist has a TENS unit in his office, though I have not had a need for it. A quick search on Consensus a TENS unit improve pain reveals many studies demonstrating the effectiveness of TENS for pain relief.

therealbrandonwilson  •  27 Jan 2023, 12:36 pm

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