Back to the Wellness Bar

therealbrandonwilson  •  14 May 2024   •    

I just now realized that I haven't been to the Wellness Bar since April 5th. Now that I have the Relax Sauna at home, I've had one less reason to go. While I see less of a need to go, I still want to retain my membership, primarily for cryotherapy since summer is heating up. I decided to downgrade my membership from unlimited to 12 therapies per month. The advantage of this plan is that any unused credits during the month are carried over.

I also want to maintain my good relationship with the owner Mike, whom I want to convince that PEMF should be the next offering for his customers. I want to schedule some time with him to do a pre/post-body scan with a Kloud session to show him the value and benefits of the technology. It would be a great value-add for the Wellness Bar, and he's already got the comfortable chairs where people sit for compression therapy. They could easily put the Kloud mat on those chairs and offer 15-minute sessions. 

I might even discuss with him the possibility of offering free body scans for Wellness Bar members so they can evaluate how the different modalities are affecting them. 


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