Business Cards

therealbrandonwilson  •  4 May 2024   •    

Some people might say business cards went out with powdered wigs. The younger generations may not be used to the concept of business cards, but my target demographic is older. I can think of examples where business cards still have value. Put your business card in a fish bowl to win some raffle. Pin your card to an advertising board in a business. Hand it to someone instead of fiddling with bumping phones together or having difficulty sharing contact info.

I've been dragging my feet on creating my business cards. The obstacle was that I was attempting to design a card from scratch. I couldn't figure out how I wanted to brand myself with all the various irons in the fire. I scrapped the idea of one business card to rule them all to focus on my Centropix affiliation, since that is the endeavor I am pursuing heavily at the moment.

On the company resource page, I found a PDF template for the front and back of the card. Someone suggested using VistaPrint, but I was unable to modify the template after uploading it. I switched over to Canva and the editing was a breeze. Rather than export the design and go back to VistaPrint, I decided to place a print order through Canva. They did a nice job with my Be Wellthy promotional cards that I used last year. The prices are comparable. 

I was at a get-together yesterday and had several interactions where it would have been beneficial to hand someone a business card. Soon I'll be officially noted as a "Brand Ambassador."





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