Earthing on the go

therealbrandonwilson  •  8 Jan 2024   •    

I previously wrote about a new product just released by the company Centropix, for which I am an affiliate. I was hoping to receive it before Christmas, but there was a delay. I am happy to report that I officially received the new Bubble 2 today.

As Steve Jobs famously said during the unveiling of the original iPhone, this is not three separate devices. What you see are three interchangeable covers for a single wearable pendant. Essentially, the Bubble 2 is a battery-powered, portable pulsed electromagnetic field device. The default mode pulses the famous Schumann resonant frequencies (7.83 Hz, 14.1 Hz, 20.3 Hz, 26.4 Hz). These are known as the "earth frequencies," and what you get exposed to when you walk outside in nature and get grounded. One particular innovation is that the app tracks the changes to these frequencies on a periodic basis and alters the pattern of frequencies accordingly. Eventually, the app will be updated with subscription programs that allow for more frequency packages and customization. 

While there are many different crystals and pendants that offer some level of non-native EMF protection, I believe that the strength and prevalence of EMFs surrounding us in the modern lifestyle warrant a stronger solution. I am looking forward to evaluating how I feel after wearing it for a while. If you'd like more info, take a look at the product page.


Looking forward to reading your review! Fascinating.

jasonleow  •  9 Jan 2024, 2:04 am

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