First day on the job

jasonleow  •  20 Jan 2025   •    

First day on the job as Carrd tech support agent - my very first support ticket answered!

Not gonna lie – felt a little anxious over the weekend in light of starting this new gig on Monday.

There’s a lot to onboard to, but thankfully I’m not going into it totally cold. I know the Builder stuff, just not the other technical stuff related to user accounts and setting up domains. So that helped.

After the first hour, I got the hang of it and started going faster with the answers.

Like a fish back in water.



Wohoo! 😍

I hope the job comes with lots of satisfaction knowing you’re helping people get unstuck and alleviating their frustration with tech not working in their favor. 😄

haideralmosawi  •  21 Jan 2025, 5:06 am

Dude, I love seeing this. You’re living it Jason!

drodol  •  21 Jan 2025, 8:11 am

Good ol’ working tickets. I remember when I learned that IT is governed by tickets. Before I moved to the IT world, I complained that there were no tickets for what I did. Then I got to IT and got to say, “Submit a ticket” for everything.

therealbrandonwilson  •  21 Jan 2025, 1:26 pm

@haideralmosawi Thanks! That’s a good perspective - I like!

@drodol 💚💚

@therealbrandonwilson Hahah now I have to keep saying those 3 words

jasonleow  •  24 Jan 2025, 10:08 pm

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