My ladders of wealth creation 2025
jasonleow • 7 Jan 2025 •
I wrote this same time last year about my ladders of wealth creation in 2024.
A lot had changed in a year, so I thought I could map it out again to see where I’m at:
Ladder #1 - Time for money aka a job
- No 9-5, and gave up applying for jobs since last year.
Ladder #2 - Service business
- Freelance gig as a frontend dev for a local tech startup Podseeker.
- Freelance gig as a social media manager/customer support for Carrd.
- Another freelance gig incoming - technical customer support for Carrd.
- Dropping design consulting altogether this year.
Ladder #3 - Productized services
- Dropping Outsprint design sprint packages.
- Offered a custom plugin development package for Carrd, but no takers.
- Needs substantial marketing effort to make productized services work.
Ladder #4 - Selling products
- Digital products, one-time payment – Carrd plugins, Lists Kit (+ SaaS Starters, Directory Starters directories), and other info directories like Keto List SG, Blacck Friday.
- SaaS/social network with MRR – Lifelog.
- No physical products/ecommerce/marketplaces.
- Looking to build more digital products and SaaS this year!
After a few years of being on all ladders for anti-fragility, I’m making a switch to focusing on just the bare minimum of 2 ladders now – #2 service business and #4 selling products. Freelance to keep the runway going in the present for as long as it needs to, and SaaS for the future towards $10k/month.
Still diverse enough for resilience and survival, but concentrated enough to have enough bandwidth to move the needle on my dreams. Why the shift? I really really want to get more substantive progress on #4 this year. Passion and interest for the other ladders had waned too.
Ultimately, I feel the ladders is a helpful perspective on thinking about diversity and focus, and just 2 ladders does that job for me right now.
Onwards to $10k!
My ideal is for me to make money through content products (books, courses). I would love to tinker with apps, since I have a few ideas I want to explore. But what I ultimately want (my deepest why) is to get rid of the sense of obligation towards other people, being “on call”, or having other people’s expectations in my psyche. I want to spend my time the way I want.
I’m going to press harder towards this vision in the upcoming months.
@therealbrandonwilson LFG!!! 🔥🚀
@haideralmosawi Yeah same here! Autonomy and freedom are big reasons
to the moon ~
Laser-focused. Let’s go!!! 🔥🔥🔥🚀