Notes from Resonant Infrared Webinar

therealbrandonwilson  •  28 Mar 2024   •    

Resonant Infrared And The Truth About Fevers, Saunas, and Longevity!

Host: Ari Whitten

Guest: Ryan Today

Short of exercise, there isn't any other physical intervention that has the most research and dramatic impact to disease prevention/all-cause mortality and longevity than heat therapy.

One of three reasons to be here:

  1. sick and looking to get well
  2. Good and wanting to break the limit to optimize
  3. Improve quality of life without going crazy

Garbage body syndrome - bio accumulation & disregulation

Endogenous waste: urea, uric acid, sulfur, water, ammonia, etc.

Exogenous waste: consumer goods, urban, industrial, agricultural, chemical, etc. We are consuming a credit card's worth of plastic every week in microplastics.

Syongenous waste: complex interactions of the two above, degraded abilities/perceptions, something our ancestors didn't have to deal with.

The effect: Hard to do the right thing when you feel like "garbage." 

The result is poor lifestyle decisions, poor health, and even worse decisions.

We are drowning in a sea of solutions.

This is a universal problem with a universal solution.

Fevers directly combat "garbage body." Fevers are encoded in our DNA and can be enhanced with technology.

All walking, crawling, swimming, living creatures, single-celled organisms, cold-blooded animals have the ability to regulate temp with fevers.

"Give me the power to create a fever, and I shall cure any disease." --Hippocrates

What are fevers?

Types: Local, regional, systemic

Depth: Skin, muscle core

Degrees: Mild, moderate, severe

What causes fevers?

Toxicity - Chemicals, bio accumulation, pathogens

Self - Heaters, blankets, massage, energy healing, hot packs, baths, exercise, sun exposure, infrared, natural ebb

Ceremonially - Plant/animal medicines, mycology, sacred hot springs, dances, breathwork, meditation, sweat lodges, saunas.

Medically - Plant medicines, ambient heat, hot packs, lasers, infrared, terahertz, radionics, pathogens

Heat shock proteins - "molecular chaperones"

Go to PubMed and search for sauna and heat shock proteins

  • Stress response and protection
  • Protein folding
  • Protein repair
  • Regulation of protein degradation
  • Immune response
  • Cellular signaling
  • Stress recovery and tolerance
  • Protection against neurodegenerative diseases
  • Cancer cell regulation
  • Detoxification

Traditional heat vs light (infrared)

Hot environment seeps into the body through the skin.

Infrared penetrates deeper and warms you from the inside.

Saunas aren't typically used for systemic hyperthermia because they don't raise core temp, inconvenient and stressful on the body.

Tesla gave the key: energy, frequency, and vibration

It's all about the vibration!

Longer wavelengths travel deeper. 

Resonant infrared - resonant frequency 6-14 microns - resonates with the human body. Three or more inches into the body.

Infrared - 1-3 degree rise in skin and muscle

Resonant - 1-4+ degree rise in the core

Relax Saunas are modeled after hot springs.

Whole body sensation - wrap around tent

Went from soothing to a good sweat to intense workout fast

No fatigue afterward

Quality of sweat was different - not all sweat is equal

A body fever's purpose is to purge--it is nature's dialysis

Relax Sauna mimics a natural fever.

No warm-up time. Goes through clothes.

5 min: Relieve nerves + mind + pain. No sweat. Fully clothed. Use as often as you like.

10 min: Warm-ups/pre-workout. Sweat may begin. Work out clothes. Use up to 2-3 times a day.

20 min: deep sweat sauna session/recovery. The sweat is profuse. Wear little clothing. Use towels up to 2 times a day.

30 min: powerful exercise mimetic

Affordable, portable, medical-grade infrared therapy tent for rapid relief, recovery, and experiential enhancement.

Honoring rhythms

Circadian - once a day

Ultradian - many times a day

Infradian - Beyond a day (28 days)

The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease.

Fevers are innate and support processes on molecular, cellular, organ, and systemic levels.

They get everything collaborating and communicating more effectively. All issues are communication issues. Care for your cells, care for your loved ones, care to TRY!






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