Recharging when low on energy

haideralmosawi  •  3 May 2024   •    

I used to think I either have to plough through my tasks when I’m low on energy or that I’d have to get a full night’s sleep to properly recharge. But a couple of months ago I tried short yoga nidra guided meditations, and I was astonished by how quickly I was able to recharge.

Yoga nidra is also known as “non-sleep deep rest” and the 23-minute sessions allowed me to get through tasks I was putting off for a long time. I had the same experience today. I was struggling to focus on my tasks, but after a 10-minute guided meditation using the Oura app (which has guided meditations from the Headspace app) I felt rejuvenated: more energy, better mood, and clearer focus.

Do you find yourself belittling the power of recharging? What practices help you recharge?


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