The Silva Method for Healing and Manifestation

therealbrandonwilson • 14 May 2024 •
Today's course topic spotlighted the Silva Method. Jose Silva popularized this meditation visualization technique before his death at the end of the 1990s. Vishen Lakhiana, the CEO and founder of Mind Valley, worked with Jose Silva and wanted his legacy to continue. Vishen bought the rights to the Silva Method and provides exclusive content and training on the Mind Valley platform.
There are four steps to the technique:
- Know the states - Recognize when you're in Beta/Alpha/Theta/Delta brainwave patterns.
- Accessing alpha - Use guided meditation to reach an alpha state.
- The mental screen - Use the Three Scenes technique below.
- Utilizing the power - Take action and notice how things have changed.
Imagine visualizing a large TV screen about six feet in front of you. With your eyes closed, set your gaze so that your eyeballs are about 20 degrees above the horizon. Set an intention for something you want to manifest. Imagine the following three scenes playing out on the TV screen.
Scene 1: See and feel the pain, feel the emotions and frustration of your current situation. Feel the emotion and lean into how you feel and why you want to make a change.
Scene 2: See some symbolic or real action being taken to resolve the situation. Identify small steps you can take to remedy the situation and imagine yourself going through these actions.
Scene 3: See and feel the end result. Imagine how you will look and feel and what you'll be doing when you achieve the result. Feel the emotions as if you're truly experiencing the results.
The three key components of this technique are desire, belief, and expectancy. Desire means you really want it. Belief means you truly believe that it is a realistic and achievable goal. Expectancy means you act as if you already have it.