The slow poisoning of America

therealbrandonwilson  •  23 Apr 2024   •    

I have only lived in the United States, so I cannot speak on behalf of other countries. Our environment in the US is becoming increasingly toxic. 

In this week's newsletter, I discussed one example of a synthetic form of vitamin B12 called cyanocobalamin. This chemical is synthesized from hydrogen cyanide, which is classified as an acutely toxic environmental hazard that is used to manufacture chemical weapons. Because it is cheap to produce, it will, of course, end up in many food products and supposedly "healthy" items like supplements, protein powders, and functional drinks.

Some people might say, "Well, it cannot be that bad or people would be dropping dead left and right." The problem with the way we view poison is that if it doesn't kill us right away, it must not be that bad. The real problem is the stacking of toxins and poisons on a daily basis. Consider what exposure you might have in a single day:

  • The water you drink and bathe in
  • Chemicals in personal hygiene products
  • Household chemicals for cleaning/laundry
  • Anti-stain coatings on carpets, furniture, and bedding
  • Toxins in the air
  • Chemicals, artificial flavors and sweeteners, pesticides, and heavy metals in our food.
  • Electrosmog from artificial electromagnetic fields (EMFs)

The list goes on and on. It's no wonder so many people have been diagnosed with various diseases and suffer from chronic pain and low energy. You may not be able to fully clean up your environment, but you can take steps to minimize exposure and help the body naturally detox. Hey, maybe that's an idea for a practical guide that provides the Be Wellthy antidote for all this poison.


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