Where did my time go!?

haideralmosawi  •  30 Apr 2024   •    

This morning I woke up at 5AM. I meditated for 20mins. Got ready for the day. But by the time I arrived at the office it was 7:30AM. Hold on… why did it take me so long to get ready? Where did my time go!?

I think there are 3 major time-wasters in my day:

  • Social media (especially X, but I tend to rotate between X, Instagram, and WhatsApp)
  • Daydreaming (I let my mind wander a bit too much)
  • Overthinking (this is probably the result of daydreaming/social media use: it takes me a bit of time to reconnect with the tasks I’m actually doing and having to reload the context of my tasks because I got bombarded with too many ideas from social media and my daydreaming)

I don’t want to pick up my phone as much as I do now. I don’t want to drift into daydreaming mode as often as I do. I want to be more intentional in what I want to do in the moment so that I don’t realize that hours have gone by without me realizing what had happened.

Do you often wonder where your time has gone? What do you do to be more intentional? What CAN you do to be more intentional?


So relatable. The earlier I get up, the more likely I’ll relax too much and end up running late.

Winkletter  •  30 Apr 2024, 12:44 pm

Delete social media apps on phone to force you to only access on computer. Or at least rearrange your home screen to bury them several pages back to create more friction to use them.

therealbrandonwilson  •  30 Apr 2024, 4:56 pm

@Winkletter Ah, I didn’t notice this underlying thought. I’ll be more mindful of it. Thanks!

@therealbrandonwilson I have muscle memory to reach for those social media apps through search 😭 I’m telling myself I learn a lot/benefit from social media apps, but maybe the damage is outweighing the benefits

haideralmosawi  •  1 May 2024, 7:34 pm

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