Rounding up my Github streak challenge

jasonleow  •  30 Dec 2023   •    

I started my Github streak on 12 Oct, but truly started on my 1 commit per day challenge on 3 Nov. There’s just 1 more day till the end of 2023, and since I’ve got my monthly wrap-up to write about tomorrow, I thought I’ll round things off today for this challenge. By tomorrow, it’ll be 81 days of coding and shipping:

And in those 81 days:

F**king hell that’s an impressive shit tonne of work done!

Two weeks ago, I talked about how I was surprised by the challenge, how I underestimated one small commit a day, despite being no stranger to streaks. With numbers like this, I’m even more surprised than I was two weeks ago.

Damn, now I’m thinking why I didn’t try this earlier, since I’m well aware that I’m really good with streak mechanisms! Imagine how much I would have shipped if I decided to do this at the start of 2023~!


Which bring me back to one of the biggest lessons I learned this year, about accepting my season. I think with my household situation, family commitments, daily schedules, lifestyle rhythms, new roles as husband, dad and son, being sole provider, doing consulting and all, I’m in a season of life where I can’t bank on old habits and measure myself on past benchmarks. I can’t ship fast, but I can ship smooth and slow. I can’t leverage on short bursts of intensity, but I can do sure and steady releases of consistency. I can’t launch a project over a weekend, but I can fill an ocean a pebble a day, over days and weeks of embarrassingly small effort.

Both work. Both gets results. It’s not that intensity is better than consistency, nor vice versa.

But now I see for myself how my season had shifted to the latter. And I should just accept that, embrace that.

Onwards to more consistent shipping in 2024!


Kudos Jason! Consistent shipping in 2024 it is!

drodol  •  30 Dec 2023, 2:45 pm

So any changes to LifeLog are not part of that streak? I like your lesson about your season.

therealbrandonwilson  •  30 Dec 2023, 3:52 pm

@drodol YES, let’s do this together! 💪

@therealbrandonwilson Yeah my Lifelog code isn’t stored in Github that’s why… I should though since it’s all still coding 🤔

jasonleow  •  31 Dec 2023, 2:53 am

I will join your daily challenge, though I will not commit to doing it daily.

drodol  •  2 Jan 2024, 7:38 am

@drodol Nice! Great to have you David. Yeah daily is encouraged but not mandatory. Only consistency is. ;)

jasonleow  •  3 Jan 2024, 7:31 am

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